Expand your apron collection with three new reversible styles that are quick to sew and right in style. The Hometown Cafe apron is offered in 5 sizes: adult, child's small and medium, 18" doll, and wine bottle, and features an easy method for the neck strap and apron ties. Adult size requires two-1 yard pieces of fabric. The child's size small apron is made from two fat quarters and the child's medium from three fat quarters. Make matching aprons for grandmother, mother, child, and a favorite 18" doll. For a fun gift, sew an apron for a wine bottle or a dish detergent bottle.
The TV Housewives apron is a half apron with pockets, ties, and optional rickrack trim. Its sleek styling is flattering for every woman, from June Cleaver, Samantha Stevens, and Bree Van De Camp Hodge to you!
Sew a bib top to the TV Housewives apron and you'll have a Blue Ribbon apron, ready for a pie baking session or to wear while serving dinner guests. Two pocket styles are available for this apron and ties can be made from fabric or ribbon.